Reset your style for 2025: only buy things you LOVE this year

Going into the new year is the perfect opportunity to reset your style, align your wardrobe with your goals, and find the gaps in your wardrobe

Step 1: Review your pinterest board

Go through your pins from the last year and actively review them. Think about the ones which align with the style roots you’re currently exploring as well as your colour season. Depending on your style goals, you might choose to select the images which work for your body matrix/essence and make your own version of this; however, I decided to focus on style roots and colours as I tend to select silhouettes which work for my matrix type anyway! You can check out my board HERE

Step 2: Identify your colour combinations

Go through every single one of these pins and record the colour combinations of each one. My preferred way to do this is to use your palette and find the closest colours from that outfit in your palette - rather than using a dropper and taking the colours from the photo of the outfit itself because the colour can get distorted this way. I did this in procreate! You will then be left with a list of colour combinations that you can use for any outfit

Step 3 (optional): Organise your colour combinations

I am a little bit extra so I then organised each of these outfit colour combinations into its core colour so ‘pink’ ‘stone’ ‘mushroom’ ‘navy’ and so in in my case so if I had, say, a pink top I would be able to find my favourite colours to pair with it.

I also then went through and created my own ‘custom’ soft summer palette which contained only the colours I am actually drawn to from my palette based on these combinations I pulled out

Step 4: create your wardrobe map

I have created a handy template for you for this part of the exercise!

On notion, create a “table” with the top line being your core colours. So, from your palette you have just created, identify the colour “groups” so not just pinks but "light pinks” “deep pinks” and so on and choose a colour to represent them. This will make the top line of your table. On the left side of your table, you want to write all of the clothing essentials you want to see in your wardrobe. You could start with a capsule wardrobe list if you don’t know where to start; however, not everyone needs a leather jacket or a trench coat, so feel free to add the things which make sense for your style goals. For instance, I have: flared skirt, Mary janes, espadrilles and hair bow - all of which may not appear on yours!

Step 5: fill with your own clothes / use to plan

Finally, you can fill the table with your own clothes! You can see which pieces you already have and, also, find your gaps, so the things you might want to purchase in 2025 and beyond. Obviously you don’t need to fill EVERY gap on your board - that would be so many clothes! But it can help you to prioritise when you are shopping to make sure that you are at least buying the things on your board rather than random purchases which don’t benefit your style vision


Narrow | Body Matrix Categories


Sun | the creative, playful style root: GUIDE