find your unique style | Style Roots QUIZ
Do you find yourself trying to pick an aesthetic but you don’t know if you are dark academia, coquette or insta-baddie? But do you also feel like you’re not really any of those things? I love the idea of fitting perfectly into one aesthetic, but I find that we are too dimensional for this, and it often leads to discomfort with our style and dramatic changes that lead us into buying micro-trends.
I have spent months researching body types and essences, and the question I get over and over again is ‘what if I don’t like the style recommendations for my body type'?’. It has always bugged me, because the way I see body types is that it’s a tool not a rule, that you can use to enhance your personal features - I don’t see why this should mean you have to discard the rest of your style influences. But how do you do that?
You will often hear me using the phrase ‘create an effect’ on TikTok - I don’t believe that an outfit makes you look ‘good’ or ‘bad’ but that it might make one body type look ‘relaxed’ and another ‘chic’, it might make one type ‘ironic’ and another ‘sweet’. If you stick to the lines exactly for your body type you will look striking + timelessly feminine, but these aren’t necessarily everyone’s goals!
My Style Roots theory combines your body type with your goals for your style. I have identified 8 sources in nature from where we take our inspiration for our style. Austin Kleon in ‘Stream like an Artist’ suggests that we should pull inspiration from the sources we love most in order to create something that’s unique. For example, if you were to write a novel, you could pull plots and characters and worlds from your favourite stories and end up with an end result which is entirely unique (e.g. a slow burn style romance in Mordor, or a murder mystery in a regency England estate, or a cinderella story featuring an LA prostitute - okay, that one was pretty woman). You get the idea! You can apply this to style, so you would pull some details from edgy styles, some silhouettes from elegant style and some from sweet styles to create something that has never been done before and is unique to you.
I get my clients to pick their top 3 style roots when I make them a style file, but sometimes they struggle to do this! That’s where this quiz comes in.
The quiz works as a ‘this’ or ‘that’ so get a piece of paper and write down your answers! To answer the question, think: if I was the most [insert choice here] person in any room, would that feel authentically me?
modest or sensual?
care free or on top of things?
dark or light?
strong or delicate?
experimental or timeless?
If you picked sensual, care free, delicate, you might have FIRE as one of your roots
if you picked light, delicate, modest you might have FLOWER as one of your roots
if you picked on top of things, delicate, timeless, modest you might have MUSHROOM as one of your roots
if you selected dark, strong, care free, sensual, you might have MOON as one of your roots
if you selected care free, delicate, experimental, you might have EARTH as one of your roots
If you selected: strong, on top of things, timeless, modest, you might have MOUNTAIN as one of your roots
If you selected: light, care free, experimental you might have SUN as one of your roots
If you selected modest, care free, timeless, strong you might have STONE as one of your roots
what now?
You should find that your options don’t exactly match one of the options above, and that’s where you pick multiple style roots!
For example, you might have selected:
timeless, light, sensual
This could equate to a combination of mushroom, flower and fire. This is an example of what that might look like ->
Watch my video on this topic here!
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Everything ‘style’ roots in one place. Learn about each of the 8 style roots, how to style them and how to find YOURS
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