9 Beauty Habit Ideas - how I had my ultimate glow up in 2024

I feel the most beautiful I ever have - and it's all due to these habits which I started in 2024 which I will be carrying into 2025. Some of these are health-focused, others fashion and personal style

1. 5 minute scalp massages with a bamboo brush

One of my main goals for 2025 is a continuation of last year’s goal to grow my hair really long and healthy. It has been an aim of mine for a while to grow out my natural hair colour instead of bleaching my hair, to embrace being a mousy brunette and see what that does for my style. One of the easiest things you can do to start on this journey for yourself is to do daily scalp massages. You don’t need a special plastic thing off of amazon - your usual hair brush will do just fine. Set a timer on your phone for 5 minutes, and brush from the front of your scalp to the back so that it gives you a tingly feeling. Someone I am loving to watch for hair care advice is Kayli Boyle

2. 15 minute workout every morning

I have recently discovered that I probably have ADHD (undiagnosed but pretty sure). One of the best things you can do for managing it is exercising, moving, getting up - your brain needs extra stimulation and this is a great way to provide it which sets you up for the whole day. I have really hate exercise for the majority of my life, but a little workout video on YouTube with dumbbells honestly makes me feel amazing. I haven’t noticed that much physical change because I’m not aiming for that, but I think it does affect the way I hold myself throughout the day and is making me healthier and stronger which definitely has a physical effect. My current favourite YouTuber to watch is Madfit - I would love to go to the gym but I have recently come to accept myself as someone who struggles to leave the house just for a work out, so I’ve stopped trying to revamp the whole routine and just find something which works for me at home

3. Planning outfits in advance

I love to plan my outfits digitally using Indyx (my current favourite wardrobe app). I like to have at least one outfit prepared for each item in my wardrobe so that when I’m feeling panicked about what to wear I have perfect looks ready to go. I also love using Indyx to come up with outfit templates so that if I get a new piece I can slot it into existing templates I know that I love

4. Visually pinning my style mood board

Having your style goals actually inside your wardrobe where you get dressed every day is the best way to keep your style consistent. This is also a great way to get inspiration for outfit templates and colour combinations which align with the style you want to aim for

5. Taking pictures of your style everyday

Reflecting on your looks is the best way to see your progress and spot where you are going wrong. It sounds strange, but you actually don’t look at your outfit that much - those around you do. This is where you might miss things because you have a quick glance in the mirror and the visual is gone - taking pictures everyday helps you to find the looks you really love and analyse why more closely. I took a lot of selfies this year, for example.

6. Accessorising even when you’re not going to see anybody

This has been HUGE for me this year. I used to see adding a belt earrings, sunglasses, coat and shoes for the outside world. Even if I have to take off the coat and the shoes to sit down at my desk, its a really helpful exercise for me as someone who works at home to really focus on my outfit, feeling put together and making an effort

6. Have main meals made up of whole foods

Eating an entirely unprocessed diet is just unrealistic for me as someone who loves a bit of chocolate and a packet of sweets on occasion; however, reading ultra-processed people was absolutely mind blowing for me. I realised that the reason I feel like a slave to food a lot of the time is because I am relying too much on ultra-processed foods which don’t leave you feeling full or satiated. Having the basis of my diet being food I make myself has been incredibly grounding for me this year where I have just moved out with my boyfriend and been trying to survive by ourselves - we almost always only have whole foods in our cupboard and it has been the best way we could start. I think my skin is better, my weight is more stable, my hair is being provided with rich nutrients

7. Take the supplements I personally need

I am not a massive believer in generic vitamins, although they can be fantastic for some people. I take things I know my diet is poor in and that is low in my blood because I took a blood test to help supplement my diet and provide me with the nutrients I need. Supplements can be amazing for hair, skin and nail health.

8. Learn heatless styles

I regularly use the Dyson airwrap; however, I wanted this year to grow my hair and treat it more kindly. Having a few heatless styles - whether its overnight curls, or simply just protecting your hair with a low twist - is really important to wake up feeling BEAUTIFUL!

9. Carry around your colours with you

I am such an impulsive buyer - I see something I love ad too often than not it ends up coming home with me just to never be born. Printing out my colours as a little reminder that I just carry around in my handbag pouch has been so helpful as a grounding force when I go shopping to make sure whatever colours I put near my face are lighting me up not dragging me down

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27 Outfit Templates for 27 Body Types: PART 2, NARROW


27 Outfit Templates for 27 Body Types: PART 3, MEDIUM